A day completely devoid of anything to do with tomatoes or peppers, so not too bad. Spent the first part of the morning chucking sand at the plastic greenhouses to give better reinforcement against strong winds. The rest of the day was spent making plastic clips from a long, flexible pipe, which we later applied to the greenhouse doors to link them together by way of a long lead pole, which, when turned, causes all connected doors to roll up.
After chucking sand around for a bit, the farmer had a word with us both back at the farmyard. His general drift was: Rob is crap at picking tomatoes; in fact Rob is crap at everything, so don't be afraid to leave if you want to.

Obviously he expected us to take the hint and piss off there and then; but, to his disappointment, I valiantly offered to stick it out.
Very soon after that, we found ourselves picking litter from a freshly sowed field. How odd!
The day ended with Godwin emerging from the bathroom holding a razor blade in his hand, showing off a VERY short haircut. When he turned around, we noticed huge bald patches where he had not been able to see what he was doing. Olly solved the problem by shaving the back of his head completely bald.
After chucking sand around for a bit, the farmer had a word with us both back at the farmyard. His general drift was: Rob is crap at picking tomatoes; in fact Rob is crap at everything, so don't be afraid to leave if you want to.

Obviously he expected us to take the hint and piss off there and then; but, to his disappointment, I valiantly offered to stick it out.
Very soon after that, we found ourselves picking litter from a freshly sowed field. How odd!
The day ended with Godwin emerging from the bathroom holding a razor blade in his hand, showing off a VERY short haircut. When he turned around, we noticed huge bald patches where he had not been able to see what he was doing. Olly solved the problem by shaving the back of his head completely bald.