With only 3 days to go the dullness of today's tasks was almost exhilarating in its tediousness.
Went to the clinic in the evening to sort out Olly's Hep A injection. As is typical of the place, the nurse was stupid, rude, and totally unhelpful.
While we were in the waiting room, a small child was carried in. She had blood all over her face and clothes. Olly said she had an awful lot of raw flesh on her forehead and cheeks. Most likely a dog attack.

Went to the clinic in the evening to sort out Olly's Hep A injection. As is typical of the place, the nurse was stupid, rude, and totally unhelpful.
While we were in the waiting room, a small child was carried in. She had blood all over her face and clothes. Olly said she had an awful lot of raw flesh on her forehead and cheeks. Most likely a dog attack.

George keeping warm.
Today we found out why George has so many problems with his hind legs. He is ten years old and is suffering from calcium deficiency. The farmer thinks he's pretty clever for finding that out, but presumably he hasn't bothered to give him a calcium supplement.