Woke at 6.30 with a hangover and drank a cup of coffee brought to the compartment by one of the porters.

Our first job in Bulawayo was to find accommodation. Africa on a shoestring recommended a hotel called The Waverley, so we headed straight there. Our room was tidy and clean, and had a wardrobe and sink provided. Well worth Z$44.20 for both of us.

The morning was spent organising transport to Jo'burg. The bus ticket cost Z$149. Quite expensive.

In the afternoon the four of us took a taxi to a wildlife sanctuary 25km from the city centre. The place was set up to look after baby game animals that were incapable of looking after themselves in the wild. Amongst others, there were serval, carical, leopard, lion, cheetah, rhino, crocodile and various birds and monkeys.

Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage.

In one of the offices there was a very young lion cub. It was very cuddly and affectionate. It happily allowed us to pick it up and stroke it.

In the evening we had beers at the hotel and at the Selborne, which seems to be the poshest hotel in town. The waiter there was an obnoxious, thick twat. We asked for a dry white wine for the girls; he turned up with sweet white wine. Ten minutes later we got his attention and complained. He explained that only the other bar had dry wine left. From his attitude, I'd say he thought we were very fussy and unfairly demanding. He generously offered to fetch the right drinks, but refused to swap them for wrong ones. I found it very frustrating because it was clear that he was incapable of understanding that a customer should not have to pay for something he didn't want.

The meal at Buffalo Bill's (part of the hotel) was great. A huge steak and a few beers came to Z$20 each.
