South Africa (R5=£1)

I surprised myself by getting a pretty good night's sleep on the bus. However, I still felt terrible at 6.00 when we reached the border. There were no problems leaving Zim, but the immigration official on the RSA side was a bit of a stupid twat. After I requested that the border stamp be confined to the loose-leaf visa, he asked me why I bothered coming to South Africa if I felt so strongly about having its mark on my passport. All I could do was repeat Olly's story about Tanzania being funny about it.

When we arrived in Jo'burg it was four o'clock in the afternoon so the banks were shut. Also, the nearest youth hostel turned out to be a busride job.

After a lot of unnecessary farting around, the YMCA allowed us to leave a Z$75 deposit, refundable on payment in rand for our room.

Amazing but true, most of the restaurants downtown were shut (at 6.00pm)—even the Wimpy. Eventually we came to terms with the fact that we would have to eat at a rather upmarket place called La Continental. A rumpsteak and a couple of beers each came to R59.50, but it was a good meal.
