Got up at nine with more than a hint of a hangover. Fortunately a yoghurt, peach juice and fresh bread breakfast soon sorted me out.

The whole day was spent relaxing at the hostel—reading and watching TV. For the first time on the trip I realised that I am free. I have no lectures or assignments and I don't have to go to work. Bloody fantastic anywhere in the world.

At around 3.30 we made our way to the bus station—well in time for our 1815 bus to Cape Town.

When we got on board the bus we were pleased that we had paid a little more money for Translux instead of Transcity. Our coach was air-conditioned, there was loads of room, and each passenger had a headset, airline style. There was also an evening meal with a free bottle of decent South African wine. The video, a martial arts formula film entitled The Best of the Best, was pretty crap, but it passed the time nicely.

Later in the evening I managed to catch a few moments of sleep, but I couldn't really get comfortable.
