Got up at eight, in plenty of time for an appallingly disappointing breakfast consisting of two minute strips of bacon and an egg. Four stone-cold pieces of white-bread toast were also generously laid on. The joke is that we paid R7 for it.

After saying good bye to Julian, we set off up the steep hill with our rucksacks. Very tiring—lucky it was cloudy.

We arrived at Leslie's in Newlands at about eleven. He lives in a very attractive apartment complex with a great view of the mountains.

He cooked us an absolutely minuscule meal and then we sat around for a while before going swimming at a nearby Olympic pool.

On our return we had tea (drink) and Leslie recommended some places for us to go and eat. Very hospitable, I must say. However, the meal we had in a nearby restaurant was great. A vegetable pie + baked potato + our own choice of salad came to R12.95.

On our return, we caught the 8.00 news and watched half of a film with Tom Conti in it.
