It was lucky that Olly and I couldn't stay in bed a minute longer than 6.45, because that's what time Leslie turned on the radio and offered us tea.

To our great disappointment, the weather was still looking pretty bad. It was drizzling and dark. After breakfast we sat around for a while, waiting for the weather to improve. It didn't, so we went out anyway.

Leslie came with us on the train, which was embarrassing because he wittered on like a real boring old fart in the carriage.

Leslie had strongly recommended the Victoria & Alfred Docks as a good day trip. Yeah, sure, Les, we're really into maritime museums and watching cargo being loaded onto ships. Twat. However, we had heard that there was a pub there selling bitter, so we made a beeline straight for it.

The pub was pretty good. I had a nice curry, and their home-brew was 11%. Also, one of the waitresses was quite tasty.

After the pub, we walked down to Sea Point to try and find a guest house called the Vice President. We have to find accommodation because Leslie is kicking us out tomorrow. He has a guest coming to visit on Wednesday. The old sod has known for ages that we were coming at the end of February and he couldn't even keep the week free.

On arriving back at Newlands, we were bored senseless by Leslie's stories about his own travelling. He never asks us any questions about our travels; he just talks about himself all the time.

After a while Leslie announced that he was going to the Chinese to get some takeaways. "Great!" we thought, a nice meal coming our way! I was rather confused to see him arrive back with only three small tubs of food. It turned out that Olly and I shared a tub of rice and a tub of Chop Suey, while Leslie just had a tub of Chop Suey. What a fucking skinflint! Who in his right mind would give his guests half a takeaway meal each? To compensate for the size of this meal (I could see my plate through the rice) he plied us with slices of extremely cheap white bread. What a contrast to Joe in Dar es Salaam. That was embarrassing at times, but I'd rather be embarrassed than hungry and homeless!

After our pathetic meal we had a couple of Castles at the local. Apart from a dishy barmaid, it wasn't up to much.
